Pick-Up After the Event

When does my bus depart from an event?
Rally’s scheduled departure times are based on the estimated end time of the event. Buses will depart up to 45 minutes after the actual conclusion of the ev...
Mon, 10 Aug, 2020 at 5:48 PM
How will I find the bus after the event?
Your bus will always be parked where you exited, though we do recommend taking note of the colors, brand name, and license plate just in case. If you can’t ...
Mon, 10 Aug, 2020 at 5:48 PM
Should I tip the bus driver?
Yes please! Our drivers go the extra mile to make the trip almost as awesome as the event itself. If you appreciate their work — and we think you will — the...
Mon, 10 Aug, 2020 at 5:48 PM
Who is liable if I trip or fall, or incur any incident, at the Rally Point?
Individuals are liable for themselves to board the bus in a safe manner.
Mon, 10 Aug, 2020 at 5:48 PM